Grand Opening Demonstration

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The Betty J Pullum YMCA Martial Arts Club
The Martial  Arts Club Demonstrated for a large crowd checking out the new facilities at our new YMCA

This is one of my favorite images
The Clubmembers did an awesome job today showcasing their various skills
Sam and Benny chanbara swordfighting
Sensei Kurtz is officiating over probably our favorite program with the kids but then who wouldnt like a good sword fight now and then
Walker and Drake during a Kumite match
Kumite is the empty hand sparring component of Karate
Drake working with the Tai Chi Sword
Drake is performing one of the Tai Chi weapon forms that we are currently training in and is using a live blade for this demonstration
group performance of staff kata Bo Sho
I want to commend Lila,Nick,Katy,Nicky,Benjamin,Natalie,Erica,and Rebecca for doing a great job
Tai Chi Fan Form
Senseis Kurtz and Whitmer,Assistant Instructor Mitchell and Drake performing the first public viewing of this form in this area
Warming up with a few kicks
Basic technique training is essential to the development of any martial artist